When it comes to life insurance, you naturally want to be well-informed about your coverage—so don’t let tricky myths and misconceptions keep you from enjoying the financial confidence you deserve!
At Ed Jones Insurance, we’re used to hearing many such misconceptions—and in today’s blog, we hope to clear some of them up! Take a look below to learn more.
Myth #1: You don’t need life insurance if you’re young, healthy, do not have children yet, etc.
Fact: Life insurance can help in a variety of situations.
While living relatively independently may curb your need for extensive life insurance coverage, there are still many benefits of having coverage—even before you have children. If you’re married, for example, having at least moderate coverage might help your spouse carry on with bills or debts with ease, should the unexpected happen.
Myth #2: You won’t be able to receive life insurance due to your health or age.
Fact: There’s more than one kind of policy, and insurance doesn’t have to be out of reach.
Don’t write off the chance of your being covered due to your health or age. While it may seem like certain circumstances would limit your choices, every policy is different, and we can help you find one that works for you and your needs.
Myth #3: Life insurance is a one-parent responsibility.
Fact: Families can (and do) benefit when both parents have life insurance, even if one parent is not the primary breadwinner.
In two-parent households, it’s often wise for each parent to have their own life insurance policy—even if one parent stays at home, or earns significantly less. This is because the role a parent provides (even if they’re not the primary breadwinner) can be difficult to replace in terms of childcare and at-home duties, which can both be costly. When both parents are insured, this cost is one less thing you’ll have to worry about.
We hope that today’s blog has helped you to better understand the field of life insurance—but we know you may have more questions. Call our office today to learn more about coverage options.
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