Summer is the perfect time to have lots of parties with friends and family, especially when you live in central Florida. When it comes to preparation, you not only have to consider decorations and food, but also safety precautions.
As you check off your to-do list, read over today’s blog to make sure you haven’t missed any potential safety hazards.
Fire extinguishers
The best way us Floridians enjoy a sun-filled party is usually through a backyard barbeque. Whoever is doing the cooking is probably a pro by now, however you never know what could happen when things get too hot.
Always keep an easily accessed fire extinguisher on hand near the grilling station, just in case too much fuel has been added to the fire. Each insured home is required to house at least one fire extinguisher so it shouldn’t be hard to locate one. Here at Ed Jones, we would rather you burn your food than burn down your house or nearby objects.
Pool borders
Most indoor-outdoor parties have at least a few kids or pets running around. It’s always best to play it safe than to be sorry later, so perhaps a pool fence or enclosure is the exact thing that will give the adults peace of mind.
A pool barrier will prevent kids and pets from falling in the water when you’re busy hosting the party. Another incentive to incorporate a pool safety net around the pool area is the potential to decrease insurance rates. But remember, when supervision is around, let the fun begin!
First aid kits
This item is more obvious, and probably already stored somewhere in your home, but sure does come in handy (more often than not) at parties. You never know when someone will cut or burn themselves, have an allergic reaction, or a minor injury.
Each first aid kit should be stocked with band aids, medications- like Advil and Benadryl, burn ointments, bug spray, and braces for minor injury. Of course, each home personalizes their own emergency kit, but these are the basics.
Traffic cones
Every home is not equipped with a large driveway, so most times guests need to park along the road. You never want to host a party when someone’s car got hit or earned a traffic violation, so invest in some traffic cones.
These fluorescent orange traffic markers are great for directing cars and showing guests the parameters they need to park within. You won’t be able to miss the reflective cones, even after the sun sets, so go ahead and enjoy your party knowing you are preventing a wreck.
Outdoor fencing
Whether your party is primarily in the front yard, back yard, or both, having a fenced in area will create a wonderful closed-in environment, and extra safety net. You never know when a guest will leave the door open and allow a pet or loved one to come running out, which happens a lot, especially when your party has entertainment both inside and out.
Some houses don’t have a fully enclosed area, so renting a portable fence would be a wise choice. These fences look and act exactly like a stand-in fence; they are perfect for keeping the party going and kids playing inside the designated area- instead of in the road.
We hope these tips will allow you to party on in peace all summer long. Visit our website for more tips, tricks, and advice on your summer fun and insurance plans.
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